Thou Art Ltd

Registered Clinical Psychologist (HCPC) 英國健康護理專業管理局註冊臨床⼼理學家
Clinical Pediatric Neuropsychology (PGDip UCL) 英國倫敦⼤學臨床兒童腦神經⼼理學深造⽂憑
Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy 靜觀⼼理治療
SEP 體感治療師
DARe Practitioner
Registered Clinical Psychologist (HCPC) 英國健康護理專業管理局註冊臨床⼼理學家
Clinical Pediatric Neuropsychology (PGDip UCL) 英國倫敦⼤學臨床兒童腦神經⼼理學深造⽂憑
Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy 靜觀⼼理治療
SEP 體感治療師
DARe Practitioner

Esther POON Wai Yee 潘偉儀
Marriage & Family Therapist
Certified Clinical Supervisor (HKPCA)
Certified Clinical Supervisor (HKMFTA)
AEDP Certified Therapist & Clinical Supervisor
Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP®)
Certified DARe Practitioner
About Me
SEP cum SE Assistant and ISP Practitioner Status:
SE Assistant approved to assist and provide personal sessions to all training levels
Approved Individual Case Consultation Provider for the Beginning Level
Certified DARe Practitioner
ISP Practitioner
Detailed Description:
She is the founder of Hong Kong Centre For Healing Trauma ( She is devoted to helping individuals and families going through difficulties and building up a healthy and rich life. She believes in transformation in every person. She adopts psychodynamic psychotherapy and somatic experiencing models with a systemic perspective in therapy. Specialised in treating relational trauma and emotional distress.
She is a Certified Therapist and Clinical Supervisor of AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), Certified Clinical Supervisor of HKPCA (Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association) and Certified Clinical Supervisor of HKMFTA (Hong Kong Marriage & Family Therapy Association), and the tutor of the Baptist University Continuing Education. She has been the clinical supervisor of City University of Hong Kong and Baptist University of Hong Kong.
Attachment trauma, emotional disorder, sexual trauma, relationship conflicts, marital difficulties and parenting difficulties
Credentials and Licences:
AEDP Certified Therapist & Clinical Supervisor
AAMFT, Pre-clinical Member
AAFT, Clinical Member
HKMFTA, Certified Clinical Supervisor
HKPCA, Certified Counsellor & Clinical Supervisor
ISP – Integral Somatic Psychology Practitioner
Training in DARe
Training in Bodynamic
Somatic Experiencing Journey:
SEP HK1 (Beg w/Raja) (Int w/Sonia) (Adv I w/Sonia, Adv II w/Raja)
Assisted HK4 (Beg w/Sonia) (Int I w/Sonia and II/III w/Dave Berger) (Adv I w/Sonia, Adv II w/Raja)
Assisted HK5 (Beg I/II w/Sonia) (Int w/Pedro)
Personal Contacts:
Business Phone : (852) 9752 1951
HK mobile : (852) 9215 7797
email :
WhatsApp : (852) 92157797
Skype: esther.poon
Language: Cantonese, English, Mandarin