Thou Art Ltd

Registered Clinical Psychologist (HCPC) 英國健康護理專業管理局註冊臨床⼼理學家
Clinical Pediatric Neuropsychology (PGDip UCL) 英國倫敦⼤學臨床兒童腦神經⼼理學深造⽂憑
Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy 靜觀⼼理治療
SEP 體感治療師
DARe Practitioner
Registered Clinical Psychologist (HCPC) 英國健康護理專業管理局註冊臨床⼼理學家
Clinical Pediatric Neuropsychology (PGDip UCL) 英國倫敦⼤學臨床兒童腦神經⼼理學深造⽂憑
Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy 靜觀⼼理治療
SEP 體感治療師
DARe Practitioner

Vava Kwok
Associate Fellow, Approved Counselling Supervisor,
Certified Counselor, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP) (HK1)
Integral Somatic Psychology® (ISP) (HK1) Practitioner
Training Assistant, Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning Experience (DARe, Dr Diane Poole Heller)
Certified Hypnotherapist, IMDHA
Senior Counselor of University
Master of Social Sciences (Counselling), HKU
Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology), CUHK
About Me
SEP cum SE Assistant and ISP Practitioner Status:
SE Assistant approved to assist all training levels and to provide personal sessions for the Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Levels. Also approved to provide individual case consultation for the Beginning level.
ISP Practitioner.
Detailed Description:
Vava has been a University Counselor since 2008. She provides counselling for university students of all ages, from different backgrounds such as Hong Kong, Mainland China, and international students. She helps students with various issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, self-esteem, grief, trauma, abuse, family dynamics, relationships, and personal growth. Vava also offers consultation and mental health training to university staff. Before becoming a University Counselor, she worked with teenage girls who had family problems and lived in a hostel.
She has experience co-teaching the Family Therapy and Family Reconstruction course. She has also assisted in Family Reconstruction Camps and Annual Retreat Camps for the HKU Master of Social Science (Counselling) Alumni Association. Additionally, she has worked as an assistant in SE training and DARe training. She offered supervision for MindHK Youth Wellbeing Practitioners for LiACT. Currently, she is undergoing training to become a Bodynamic Practitioner.
Family Therapy, Trauma, Attachment Wounds, Depression, Anxiety, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Grief and Loss
Credentials and Licences:
Hypnotherapist, International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), University of Maryland
Mental Health First Aid instructor, Mental Health Association of HK
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Hospital Authority (w/ Helen Ma)
Integral Somatic Psychology® (ISP) (w/ Dr Raja Selvam)
Perinatal and Prenatal Embodiment (w/ Yiri Dollekamp)
Ego State Therapy (w/ Wollie Hartman)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Self Worth (w/ Kristina Vasiljevevaite)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Foundation Training (w/ Founder, Lisbeth Marcher)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Motion in Emotions (w/Ditte Marcher)
Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning Experience (DARe) (w/ Patricia Meadows)
Sounder Sleep System™ (w/ Paris Kern)
On the Global Coronavirus Crisis: Steering Ourselves and Our Clients Through New & Developing Traumas (w/ Bessel van der Kolk, MD)
Trauma Conference: The Body Keeps the Score -Trauma Healing (w/ Bessel van der Kolk, MD)
Complex Trauma (w/ Kathy Steele)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Attachment, Connectedness and Contact (w/ Ditte Marcher)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Deepening Character Structures (w/ Ditte Marcher)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Constructive and Destructive Stress (w/ Ditte Marcher)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Constructive Shame (w/ Ditte Marcher)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Developmental Trauma (w/ Ditte Marcher)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Essential Bodynamic Tools (w/ Ditte Marcher)
The Wisdom of Trauma (w/ Gabor Maté, MD)
Healing the Wounds of Trauma (w/ Gabor Maté, MD)
Stabilizing Unsafe Behavior: Suicide & Self-Injury (w/ Janiner Fisher)
Putting Polyvagal Theory Into Practice: Essential Strategies for Creating Safety and Connection With Trauma Clients (w/ Deb Dana)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Shock Trauma (w/ Ditte Marcher) (In Progress)
Bodynamic Somatic Psychotherapy – Practitioner Training (w/ Ditte Marcher) (In Progress)
Janina Fisher's Trauma Treatment Certification Training (w/ Janiner Fisher) (In Progress)
Somatic Experiencing Journey:
SEP HK1 (Beg w/Maggie Philips and Raja Selvam) (Int w/Berns Galloway and Sonia Gomes) (Adv I w/Sonia and Raja)
Assisted HK3 (Beg w/Sonia) (Int w/Maggie Philips and Sonia) (Adv w/Sonia and Raja)
Assisted HK5 (Beg w/Sonia)(Int w/Pedro)(Adv II w/Raja and Sonia)
Assisted HK6 (w/Pedro)
Lead assistant, HK7 (w/ Pedro)
Personal Contacts:
HKmobile/Whatsapp/WeChat:(852) 9853 3499