Thou Art Ltd
Registered Clinical Psychologist (HCPC) 英國健康護理專業管理局註冊臨床⼼理學家
Clinical Pediatric Neuropsychology (PGDip UCL) 英國倫敦⼤學臨床兒童腦神經⼼理學深造⽂憑
Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy 靜觀⼼理治療
SEP 體感治療師
DARe Practitioner
Pamela HO 何品宜
Registered Social worker
Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP)
DARe Practitioner
About Me
SEP cum SE Assistant and DARe Practitioner Status:
SE Assistant approved to assist all training levels and to provide personal sessions for the Beginning & Intermediate & Advance levels.
DARe Practitioner, Training Provider of DARe Sessions and Individual Case Consultation Provider for DARe students and graduates in Hong Kong.
Detailed Description:
Pamela has been working for children & families (including special needs children) for over 20 years.
Before she was mainly working in an NGO. In recent years, she is currently working in a kindergarten, spending more time working for children & parents with traumas and experiencing high stress/ anxiety.
She did private individual sessions for children (through play) / parents, provided talks & workshops for social workers or helped staff in agencies.
Integrating Play therapy, SE & DARe approach in her works and she found that it is an effective way to work for her clients.
After she became a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, she has assisted several SE training programmes in Hong Kong, Korea, US, India & Germany. It granted her rich experience to understand how somatic works on different people of different nationalities.
Those experiences are really helping her to work for clients who suffer from depression, anxiety, manic depression, sleep disturbance, developmental trauma & pre-prenatal trauma etc.
She also loves to apply SE concepts creatively in her swimming teaching or Aqua training work for people. It is especially helpful for people who are fearful of water.
To help children to eliminate fear & anxiety
Help people who are experiencing depression, anxiety, developmental trauma & pre-prenatal trauma etc.
Credentials and Licences:
Registered Social Worker
Master of Counselling (UNE)
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP)
Somatic Resilience & Regulation Early Trauma (By Kathy L. Kain)
Somatic Experiencing ‘Trauma Healing for Kids(By Maggie Kline)
Child-Centered Play Therapy (By Miss Lau Suet Ha, Lottie)
Children Focusing (By Rene Veugelers)
Work with Complex Syndromes (By Peter A. Levine)
Pre & Perinatal Training on Attachment (By Myrna Martin)
Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience (DARe)(By Patricia Meadows)
Swimming Teacher (HKSTA)
Aqua Personal Trainer (AASFP)
Somatic Experiencing Journey:
SEP HK2 (Beg w/Sonia Gomes 2013-2014) (Int I/II w/Cornelia Rossi 2014, Int II/III w/Sonia 2015) (Adv I/II w/Sonia 2015, Adv II/III w/Raja Selvam 2016)
Assisted HK4 (Beg w/Sonia 2016) (Int w/Sonia & Dave Berger 2017) (Adv w/Sonia & Raja 2018)
Assisted HK5 (Beg I/II w/Sonia 2018)(Adv I/II w/Raja 2020)
Assisted in Seoul, Korea (Beg/Int /Advance w/Dave Berger 2017-2019)
Assisted in New York,U.S.(Int w/Dave Berger 2017)
Assisted in Bengaluru, India (Beg I/II & II/III, Int 1/II & II/III w/EFU, Euphrasia Nyaki 2019 In person & online)
Assisted in Cologne, Germany (Adv.I w/Sonia Gomes)
Assisting in Seoul, Korea (Int I/II w/Russell Jones Online to present)
Assisted in Seoul, Korea (Int I/II to Adv I/II w/Russell Jones online & in person)
Assisting in Shanghai,China (Beg II/II w/Pedro online to present)
Personal Contacts:
Business Phone: (852) 97941473
HK Mobile: (852) 9213 9414
Langauge: Cantonese or English