Thou Art Ltd
Registered Clinical Psychologist (HCPC) 英國健康護理專業管理局註冊臨床⼼理學家
Clinical Pediatric Neuropsychology (PGDip UCL) 英國倫敦⼤學臨床兒童腦神經⼼理學深造⽂憑
Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy 靜觀⼼理治療
SEP 體感治療師
DARe Practitioner
Joan Ma
Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP)
Craniosacral Therapist
Systemic Constellation Facilitator
About Me
SE Assistant / SEP / SE Student Status:
SE Assistant approved to assist and provide personal and personal case sessions for all training levels.
Detail Descriptions:
Joan is the light going out into the world, to bring awareness, and positive change to people in Hong Kong. This comes through many mediums but particularly of Craniosacral therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Systemic Constellation, Bowen therapy and Aromatherapy. She has extensive experience in supporting clients through the body to bring health and wellbeing.
Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Family Constellation, Aromatherapy, Bowen Therapy.
Credentials and Licences:
IFPA Certified Aromatherapy
SEP SE Trauma Institute
Upledger Craniosacral Therapy Techniques’ Level
ISBT Bowen Therapy
Human Systems Institute Systemic Constellation
Somatic Experiencing Journey:
SEP HK1 (Beg w/ Dr Maggie Phillips, w/Raja) (Int w/Sonia) (Adv I w/Sonia, Adv II w/Raja)
Assisted HK2 (Beg w/Sonia, Int w/Cornelia Rossi & Sonia, Adv w/Sonia & Raja)
Assisted HK3 (Beg w/Sonia, Int I/II w/Dr Maggie Phillips & Int II/III Sonia, Adv I w/Sonia, Adv II Raga)
Assisted HK4 ( Beg w/Sonia, Int w/Sonia Adv 1 Raga, Adv II Sonia)
Assisting HK5 from Beg I/II & II/III w/ Sonia, Int I/II & II/III w/ Pedro Prado Ph.D, Adv I w/ Raja
Personal Contacts:
Business Phone: 852-9309 5987
HK Mobile: 852-9309 5987
WhatsApp: 852-9309 5987
Language: English, some Cantonese